The famous Indian play raja, based on the life of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj is being staged at Pune festival. The three-hour long historical saga of the great Maratha warrior king will feature group dances, music and songs in many different styles. The play is being enacted at the Ganesh Kala Krida Manch. It will be a grand spectacle and showcase the major battles and political conquests that took place in and around Maharashtra.
The story of the play is based on Tagore’s ideas about swadeshi, rural self-empowerment and social activism. These ideas were a part of his holistic worldview. The themes of the novel Gora, the verses of Gitanjali and the play Raja reflect these philosophies. He had been experimenting with these concepts on his estates since 1902. These experiments had given him insight into the inner workings of the rural society and the psyche of its people.
This knowledge helped him in designing socialistic programmes for the uplift of the people living in his estates. This experience of his also found dramatic expression in the play Raja. It is a complex drama that combines the sociological, philosophical and religious aspects of Tagore’s ideas.
Despite being a young player, Raja CA managed to become one of the most popular clubs in Morocco. Under coach Pere Jego, the club became known for its style of play which relied on possession and movement. The team has a strong rivalry with AS FAR, the capital’s football club.
A rare hardcover copy of Rabindranath Tagore’s famous Bengali play ‘Raja’ — titled in English as “The King of the Dark Chamber” — is up for auction on US-based online marketplace RR Auction. The book, dated 1916, is signed by the Nobel laureate himself on a prefatory page in fountain pen.
The play raja is the most well-known of Rabindranath Tagore’s plays. It was first published in 1910 and is a symbolic play that depicts the secret dealings of God with human beings. The play is also a work of philosophy and explores the nature of the universe and the human mind.
The play raja has been playing in and out of India for 21 years and has had more than 735 shows, 250 artistes and an audience of 80 lakhs. This epic drama reflects the cultural, historical and spiritual heritage of Maharashtra. The show has also been a hit in the United States, Australia, Canada, UK and other countries. It is one of the most awaited events of the Pune festival. This year it has been produced by Sugee Developers and co-sponsored by State Bank of India. It is also being performed at the prestigious Lyceum Theatre as part of the festival. The play will run for a week from September 25 to 29. This is the fifth time that the play has been brought to the city by Ganesh Kala Krida Manch. The organisers are expecting to attract a huge crowd. The venue will be packed to capacity for the entire duration of the run.
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